
Zavod za geotehniku

Institute for Geotechnic - Subotica

Geotechnic Institute is joint-stock company found from the Geomechanic Sector, once well known as Institute for Architecture of SAPV in Subotica. Privatized on Auction of Privatization Agency in Novi Sad on June, the 13th, 2005. We possess experienced and qualified staff which have totally 5 licences 310, 315, 316 (two) i 491.

From 1967. till the end of year 2005. this company made 2800 geotechnical elaborates i 1900 geomechanical reports. Institute is one of the few companies in Serbia and Monte Negro which own complet equipment for geomechanical research.

Institute is the only company in Vojvodina which owns, beside the static penetrometer of 100 kN capacity and static penetrometer of 200 kN capacity, products of Gouda from Holland and complete equipment for field load test of piles until the limited force of 2000 kN.

Let us be fundamental, rational, let us project and build safe and sound with a help of needed geotechnical researches.

Sertificate of Accreditation #1
Sertificate of Accreditation #2
Sertificate of Accreditation #3
Sertificate of Accreditation #4

Certificate CertificateGeotehnika
Geotehnika Geotehnika Geotehnika Geotehnika Geotehnika Geotehnika


2007 2008 Object Orderer
01. Benz.pumpa - Subotica Azohem - Subotica
02. St zgrada - Sombor Sombor stan - Sombor
03. St. zgrada - Kovin Statik - Kovin
04. Silos - Indjija Agrounija - Indjija
05. Posl. objekat za preradu mesa-Sivac MIL-MIR - Novi Sad
06. Stanbena zgrada - Sombor DUNAV PARK DOO - Sombor
07. Hala - Backa Topola IM Topola - Bac. Topola
08. Silos - B.Arandjelovo DTD Ribarstvo - Petrovaradin
09. St.zgrada - Šabac Inter coop - Šabac
10. Silos - Backa Palanka Radun iniženjering - Bač. Palanka
11. Pijezometri UPOV - Subotica Gemax - Beograd
12. Stanbena zgrada - N.Sad Turbo gas - Kikinda
13. Hala - Kikinda Kaldarica - Kikinda
14. Hala - Opovo Arhitop dizajn - Novi Sad




2007 2009 Object Orderer
01. Crpna stanica - Deronje  Aeprojekt - Sombor
02. St zgrada - Sombor  Stankovic - Sombor
03. Hala  Yugosport - Subotica
04. Pijezometri  Best - N. Sad
05. Hotel Panonia - Bac. Topola  UTP Vojvodina - Bac. Topola
06. Pijezometar - Senta  KTC - Senta
07. Filter stanica - Sombor  Uljara - Sombor
08. Fiskulturna dvorana - Mokrin  MZ Mokrin
09. Silos - Backi Jarak Statik - Kovin
10. Fiskulturna dvorana - Novi Sad OS Vuk Karadžic - N. Sad
11. Peskara Becej  FIT -  Becej
12. Sportska hala - Senta  SO - Senta
13. Sportska hala - Backa Topola  PTC - Backa Topola
14. Fiskulturna dvorana - Subotica  Expres-servis - Subotica
15. Podzemni rezervoar - Subotica  Eurogas - Subotica
16. Pijezometar E-75  Eurogas - Subotica
17. Hale i nasip - Backi jarak  DTD FOOD - Petrovaradin
18. Merkator - Šabac  LHR - Beograd
19. Hale - Backi Monoštor  KVK metal - Sombor
20. Silos - Šangaj  Best - N.Sad
21. Vodozahvat II - Subotica  JKP Vodovod - Subotica
22. NIS - Elemir  NIS Naftagas - N. Sad
23. Probno opt.šipova - Budva  LHR - Beograd
24. Benzinska pumpa na E-70  Eva Beton - Palic
25. Silos - M. Idjoš  Maxi max - Vrbas
26. Depresioni bunari - Novi sad  GraditeljNS - Novi Sad
27. Pešacki most - Sombor  Viainženjering - Novi Sad
28. Novi fabricki pogoni - Subotica  Rotografika - Subotica

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